Tibs (Tony Ibbs) moved into Developer Relations on joining Aiven at the start of 2022. Before that, they were a software developer, working in fields such as mapping and GIS (geographic information systems), set-top boxes (and embedded Linux), and backend cloud services (Python and Flask or Django; Ruby and Rails).
They have always cared about developer education, and this wish to help colleagues understand their current favourite technologies made the move to Developer Relations feel natural. They’re also enthusiastic about helping others get started speaking at conferences.
They are fascinated with documentation and how it is written, and have spoken on the history of text markup, and on mechanisms for automated "linting" of text. They have attended PyCon UK since its inception, and ran the Cambridge Python User Group (CamPUG) from 2007-2022.
Pronouns are they/them or he/him, and preferred name is Tibs.