
Room 5 

13:40 - 14:40 


Talk (60 min)

Tales from the .NET 8 Migration Trenches

It’s served its users well, but now our .NET 4.8 app is looking a bit long in the tooth. Although technically still supported, the framework as a whole is at a dead end. It’s time to modernize, but that doesn’t mean rewrite.


In this talk, I’ll walk through migrating a typical enterprise .NET 4.8 web app from soup to nuts. We’ll look at tools and techniques for migrating features and components incrementally (and still deploying to production). I’ll also highlight some of the newer analyzers to see what we can easily migrate, adapt, or replace. We’ll look at many of the common dependencies and components most systems incorporate, such as Entity Framework, SignalR, and DI containers, and how to modernize and migrate those components. There may even be Web Forms!

Migrating to modern frameworks can seem daunting, but luckily for us, we can do so in a safe, deliberate approach that I will walk through in a real-world example.

Jimmy Bogard

Jimmy is the creator and maintainer of the popular OSS libraries AutoMapper and MediatR. Jimmy is an independent software consultant based in Austin, TX. Jimmy has received the "Microsoft Most Valuable Professional" (MVP) award every year since 2009.