Room 6 - Level 5
16:20 - 17:20
Talk (60 min)
Secure your Modular Monolith by pretending it's a cat
Cats require attentive care, consistent boundaries, play, and a cozy, secure environment. Just like Modular Monoliths! While everything is still within the cozy confines of the monolith, security is easy! But let me show you how it becomes harder when you start scaling out your modules, and how it pays off to plan for it upfront. Just like getting a cat!
In this humorous talk, you'll learn which security concerns are important to think about while working in a Modular Monolith. I'll show you how you can implement those concerns so that security isn't a disaster when you need to scale your system out. And maybe you'll learn a thing or two about cats, too. Dog people are also welcome.