
Room 1 - Level 3 

09:00 - 10:00 


Talk (60 min)

.NET on tiny IOT Meadow Boards.

Description It's a fact that DotNET has been around for 20 years and was once just the preserve of Windows, but has in recent years moved to Mobile using Mono and Xamarin, but still big powerful systems and processors.


However, thanks to the work of WildernessLabs there is now the Meadow F7 board, a small form factor IOT board based around the Adafruit Feather. This means you can now write your Dot NET C#/F# code and truly run anywhere.
The idea of this talk is to show that your existing DotNET skills can be used on IOT platforms without the scary Arduino version of C, you really do now have the skills to write code that will run anywhere.
I am just a DotNET dev like you, I don’t work for WildernessLabs and this is not going to be a sales talk about the Meadow system, I backed the Kickstarter and I just enjoy playing with IOT. I want to show you that it’s scary and you too have the skills to diving in and get that LED blinking after that you can automate the home.

We'll discuss:
- The process of setting up the Meadow board and getting that first Hello World Blinky light going.
- Brief explanation of the board and tooling
- Demo a more complex system where the board is battery powered measuring sensor values and reporting this to an Azure function for processing.

Clifford Agius

Clifford Agius, Freelance .NET Developer and also blogs from time to time, is currently a three-time Developer Technologies & IoT MVP, specialising in Xamarin/.NET MAUI and IoT. By day, an airline pilot flying Airbus A320 aircraft around Europe and when not doing that, Clifford freelances as a .NET developer. An active member of the .NET community, he is a regular speaker at conferences and meet-ups around the world.

Clifford graduated as an engineer from the Ford Technical Training Centre in 1995. After 11 years as an electrical/mechanical engineer working with Robotics and PLC Programming, he trained to become an Airline Pilot in 2001. Clifford became a Microsoft Valued Professional (MVP) in 2020.