
Room 6 - Level 5 

11:40 - 12:40 


Talk (60 min)

Middleware Showdown: Exploring Diverse Messaging Solutions

Get ready for an insightful session where we delve into messaging solutions and compare popular options such as RabbitMQ, Azure Service Bus, Amazon SQS, and Apache Kafka. In addition, we'll challenge these solutions and consider the unconventional approach of using a database as a message queue. Join us as we evaluate each approach's benefits, trade-offs, and considerations.


During this session, we will explore each messaging solution's strengths, use cases, and integration possibilities. We'll examine how they handle message routing, scalability, reliability, and support for various messaging patterns. We'll also consider non-functional criteria such as ease of use, ecosystem maturity, and deployment options.

By the end of this session, you'll have gained valuable insights to help you make informed decisions when selecting the most suitable messaging solution for your application. Join us for this enlightening discussion and broaden your understanding of the diverse messaging landscape.

Chris Patterson

Chris Patterson is a software architect and an open-source leader with over 30 years of experience in designing, developing, and deploying technology solutions. He is the owner and consultant of Loosely Coupled, LLC, a company that provides technology consulting and developer support services for MassTransit, a free, open-source distributed application framework for .NET.

Chris is also the founder and primary maintainer of MassTransit, which he has been leading since 2007. He is passionate about creating and contributing to open-source projects that enable developers to build message-based applications with ease and reliability. Chris is a multi-year Microsoft MVP award recipient, a McKesson Fellow, and a McKesson Distinguished Technologist, recognized for his technical excellence and innovation. He regularly produces software development-related content on YouTube, sharing his knowledge and expertise with the community.