
Room 1 - Level 3 

17:40 - 18:40 


Talk (60 min)

Increased Productivity using AI - A realistic perspective from the Lesser Scott's

AI is often associated with programming and technical applications, but its potential extends far beyond coding.


In this talk, we will explore how AI tools and technologies can transform everyday work across various domains, enhancing productivity, creativity, and efficiency. From automating routine tasks to providing insights that drive smarter decisions, AI is revolutionizing the way we approach work. The Lesser Scott’s will show you how you can use AI in programming and in your everyday work to be more productive.

Scott Hunter

Scott works on the Azure Developer Experience team at Microsoft. His team builds all the tools for Azure (Command-Line, VS Code, Visual Studio), the Azure SDKs and many developer services including App Service, Azure Functions, Azure Container Apps and many more. Before Azure Developer Scott led the ASP.NET and .NET team rebooting .NET with .NET Core and ASP.NET Core. He is also an avid hiker and Formula One fan.

Scott Hanselman

Scott is a web developer who has been blogging at for over a decade. He works in Open Source on ASP.NET and the Azure Cloud for Microsoft out of his home office in Portland, Oregon. Scott has three podcasts, for tech talk, on developers' lives and loves, and for pop culture and tech media. He's written a number of books and spoken in person to almost a half million developers worldwide.