
Room 3 

17:40 - 18:40 


Talk (60 min)

Designers vs Developers: Who is in control here?

The designers are creative, the developers are talented, so why are you miserable all the time?

Work skills
Soft Skills

The project is a mess, there’s about a hundred tickets about the whitespace between items, and everybody is mad at each other because we’re behind schedule. How did it get like this, and how can we fix it?

In this high-energy talk focused on developers, Lemon shares a framework for effective and respectful communication between development and design teams, making sure that everyone feels appreciated and confident to provide suggestions in good faith. We’ll talk about the shifting power structure between these roles thru the lifecycle of a website, from the pitch all the way up to launch, and how every member of the team can stay engaged and feel heard at every step.

And as a bonus, we’re going to talk about the things you can do (and things you definitely *shouldn’t do*) to impress a client.

Lemon 🍋

With a lifelong passion for the weirdness of the internet and a day job as the Front End Development Director for Savas Labs, Lemon spends his professional time making websites for money and his free time making websites for no money.

He's created a number of stupid things for the internet, like all the games on, the wikiHow game, the Google Autocomplete game, and a bunch of other things of questionable use. He also hosts a podcast that looks at some of the internet's weirder subcultures. It is not safe for your work, unless you work somewhere really cool.