
Room 1 - Level 3 

17:40 - 18:40 


Talk (60 min)

CS Fundamentals: Why SSL and SSH are Secure

We trust the lock icon in our browser when we browse the web, but why? How is it possible to send information from one point to another “securely”?


In this talk Rob Conery and Jon Skeet will dig into the most important algorithm ever created and, accordingly, the most downloaded software of all time: RSA. We take it for granted, but this algorithm has been the dream of cryptographers for millennia, and the nightmare of governments around the world - and were going to implement it it live, with some fun stories along the way.

Jon Skeet

Jon Skeet is a Staff Developer Platform Engineer at Google, working on Google Cloud Platform client libraries for .NET, based in the London office. (That's the theory, anyway. Most of the time he works from his shed instead.) He's best known for contributions to Stack Overflow as well as his book, C# in Depth. Additionally he is the primary maintainer of the Noda Time date/time library for .NET.

Outside of software, Jon is a committed Christian, and enjoys theatre (particularly musical theatre), playing board games, and spending time with his amazing family.

Rob Conery

My name is Rob Conery and I help developers of all sorts learn what’s new with technology. I have been working in the technology field full time since 1998 as a DBA and then a web developer. My original focus was the Microsoft ASP.NET stack, building tools like Subsonicand the first Micro-ORM: Massive. In addition I co-founded (acquired byPluralsight) with James Avery and co-host This Developer’s Life with my friend, Scott Hanselman. I currently create videos for Pluralsight and build open source things as I can.

I've worked on a number of open source projects - some you may have heard of:

Massive: the very first "Micro-ORM" for .NET. I made this one weekend after I read a blog post about Entity Framework as a way to mitigate the despair I felt at the time.

Massive-JS: an experiment with data access. I wanted to see what I could do if I chucked the concept of "persistence ignorance" and went all-in with PostgreSQL. Based on the stars I have on Github (well over 1000), it seems to be rather popular.

Moebius: yet another data-access tool. This time for Elixir. I know databases and data access so it makes sense that I build one every now and again in a new language. I like this one a lot.
Subsonic: This one goes way back to 2005. I extracted this from some work I was doing and people liked it a lot. I liked it too - and I still get emails from people thanking me for making it.