
Room 1 - Level 3 

13:40 - 14:40 


Talk (60 min)

Building a wearable live captioning display to help

My mum is hard of hearing and relies heavily on lipreading to understand conversations. Mask wearing has made her feel incredibly isolated as it muffles speech and covers the lips. I wondered if it was possible, using existing technologies, to build a live caption display into a mask so that she could read what I say as I say it, without having to check a phone or ask me to repeat myself. This talk will go over how I used a mask bought at Cyberdog, Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services, Ably's realtime MQTT broker and some good old JS, to make mask wearing even more assistive and brilliant.


Jo Franchetti

Jo is a DevRel Engineer at Deno. She is passionate about improving developer experience, teaching good use of the web and building sparkly, wearable, internet connected tech. She mentors junior developers, talks a lot about mental health and is devoted to improving the diversity and inclusivity of the tech industry.