Room 4
13:40 - 14:40
Workshop (60 min)
Build and Deploy a Fullstack App with Open Source Tooling
As fullstack developers, we write a lot of duplicate & boilerplate code for everyday things such as simple database CRUD, data validation, authorization, and data-type conversions. How can we use a modern web architecture but still maintain our code DRY and increase productivity?
In this workshop, we'll turn a front-end React app into a full-stack app with code that is easy to write, follow, and, most importantly - maintain. We’ll use: React, NodeJS, Express, Postgres and Remult to:
- Introduce a Fullstack React App
- Demonstrate common pains and errors
-- Duplication of types
-- Typing errors
-- Routing Errors
-- Validation errors
-- Authentication Errors
-- Boilerplate
-- Repetitive Tasks
We'll then get started with building a fullstack React App with open source tools while enabling:
- Reuse of Types
- (REST) API Endpoints
- Validation
- Authentication
- Maintenance
You’ll come away from this workshop with the tools to build a fullstack app easily with OSS tooling.