
Room 6 

12:40 - 13:40 


Talk (60 min)

Advanced .NET debugging

Memory leaks, performance issues, crashes... we've all experienced them, and they can seem pretty daunting to troubleshoot, especially if they are intermittent, or only happen "not on your machine". What do you do when stepping through the code or talking to your rubber duck doesn't work? This session is a demo heavy session where we go through some of these issues CSI style, and look at the tools we can use for memory and performance investigations. Dumps, traces, you name it. During the investigations, we will also look at the core of .NET core - the CLR internals - to understand how things really work, and give you a better chance of writing more performant .NET applications.

Tess Ferrandez-Norlander

Tess is a developer/data scientist working at Microsoft. Over the past 20 years she has changed the way we do .net debugging, developed a large number of mobile apps. As of a couple of years ago she moved into the world of data science and machine learning working with a lot of the largest companies in Europe and beyond on really tough ML problems.

She has has spoken at lots and lots of conferences around the world on a wide variety of topics including deep .net debugging, UX, web development and Machine Learning. You can also find her on twitter at @TessFerrandez