
Room 2 - Level 3 

11:40 - 12:40 


Talk (60 min)

Let's talk about DX, baby

Writing code is fun! Reading it, not so much. As developers we spend as much, if not more time reading code than we do writing it. However we often forget when coding that we're writing for other humans to read as much as we are for computers to execute.

This talk goes over how to create a better developer experience in your projects by writing code with intent. Leading the reader through your codebase should feel like settling in to watch your favourite TV show; enjoyable and unsurprising.With this, and other DX skills covered in the talk, we will create maintainable, educational and pleasant to use projects, not only for other developers, but also for our future selves!

Jo Franchetti

Jo is a DevRel Engineer at Deno. She is passionate about improving developer experience, teaching good use of the web and building sparkly, wearable, internet connected tech. She mentors junior developers, talks a lot about mental health and is devoted to improving the diversity and inclusivity of the tech industry.